There is up to 2 hours free parking onsite for visitors to the health centre.
To ensure that the car park is not misused a number plate checking system is in place. ALL patients and visitors to the Practice MUST validate their vehicle every time they use the car park by simply typing their registration number into either the dedicated touch screen situated by the Central Surgery reception desk or by the main doors in the centre.
Failure to validate your vehicle will incur a penalty invoice.
Please note that Central Surgery is a tenant in the building and is not responsible for the car park. It is owned by the landlord who employs Euro Car Parks to manage it. Therefore the surgery cannot get involved in any parking fines/disputes. We are not an NHS organisation as your doctor’s surgery is a self employed business. Dr P D Moore and Partners are contracted by NHSE to provide healthcare however are not contracted to provide parking for patients.
You MUST validate your vehicle otherwise you are at risk of getting a ticket. This applies to disabled blue badge holders too.